significance of web design for a successful online business

We all are well aware of the importance and significance of web design for a successful online business, however, it’s a tricky task, to say the least. There are a number of variables and components to be considered to be able to create the best-looking website design.

Now, you will find ample material on how to create an effective web design. Most of the material will cover the more technical aspects of designing, which might be too crude for many people who aren’t well-versed in the design field. Thereby, below I have come up with some simple web design “Do’s” that will help you to come up with an efficient and effective web design.

So, let’s get started!

A design for all devices

In recent years, users are increasingly accessing websites with multiple devices including desktops, tablets, smartphones, laptops, and even watches. This means that a static design is no longer a viable option for businesses. Besides, the number of mobile searches has also surpassed the desktop searches, which subsequently forced Google to roll out “mobile-first indexing”, favoring websites with a mobile-friendly design.

All of this leads to one thing, creating a web design that gives users a smooth and interactive user experience across all devices and platforms.

– Navigable Design

Apart from an interactive user interface, navigability and ease of access is yet another important aspect for website design to consider. Nowadays, users are increasingly looking for websites with high usability and easy navigation. And keeping in view the number of businesses competing for each other, users are almost spoilt for choices. Thereby, it is important to keep a highly navigation friendly and usable web design that takes users across the website wherever they want to go. Here are some tips to create a highly navigable design:

– Simplistic (keep the structure of design as simple as possible)
– Clarity (navigation bar should be self-evident and accessible to users at all times)
– Consistency (navigation should remain consistent throughout the website)

Clarity for Visited Pages

This one is directly linked to user-experience for the website. Inter-pages links are an important factor for the navigation and search engine optimization process. However, these links can get confusing for users as they might end-up landing on same pages again and again, which will create a bad user-experience for your web design. To enhance the user experience, the links should change its colors as they get visited by users – as a reminder that the page has been visited previously.

– Aesthetics

Lastly, one of the most important things to consider while designing a web design is to keep the aesthetics as clean as possible. Cluttered designs aren’t an option today, rather one should keep the aesthetics of a webpage as clean and minimal as possible. Make sure every element on the page has its own breathing space, the font’s size is readable, the cartography is rightly chosen and the images are strategically placed to add value to the overall web design.

About Lija Parveen

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