Vitamin A performs many essential functions within the body – it’s necessary for correct vision, supports the system, and reduces cancer development. Determine what other properties A has and in what products it occurs.

THE ROLE OF vitamin A within the BODY

Vitamin A could be a term that refers to many chemical compounds belonging to the carotenoid group, including retinol and its derivatives and beta-carotene. The foremost important substance is retinol – therefore, the names antiophthalmic factor and retinol are sometimes used interchangeably. Vitamin A, together with vitamin D, a fat-soluble vitamin, and a fat-soluble vitamin, belongs to the group of fat-soluble vitamins – it’s deposited in fatty tissue, therefore, the liver. This property makes it a touch harder to urge a vitamin A deficiency, but excess A will be harmful. lake of the vitamin in the body it also affects on potency, so treat this problem take cenforce 200 and cenforce 100.

Vitamin A could be a substance necessary for the body’s right functioning – it’s one of the foremost vital compounds building its immunity. vitamin A incorporates several important functions:

  • has a crucial impact on the vision process,
  • regulates the expansion of animal tissue and other body cells, promotes the regenerative capacity of cells
  • has anti-cancer properties – reduces the chance or slows down the event of cancer of the colon, breast, lung, and prostate,
  • strengthens the system,
  • protects the epithelium of the systema respiratorium against microorganisms,
  • helps fight bacteria and viruses and prevents infections,
  • is chargeable for the condition of the skin, hair, and nails,
  • accelerates wound healing,
  • affects the correct functioning of cell membranes,
  • stimulates the bone marrow to supply red blood cells,
  • affects male potency.


Vitamin A occurs as retinol in animal products and carotin, or beta-carotene, in plant products. Retinol is employed to a greater extent from food than beta-carotene. Valuable sources of antiophthalmic factor include butter, eggs, milk and other dairy products, some fatty fish, liver and animal offal, sweet potatoes, kale, watercress, spinach, pumpkin, and propolis. Carotenoids, essential for health, including beta-carotene specifically, will be found in vegetables, including spinach, carrots, tomatoes, red pepper, and lettuce, and in fruits – cherries, apricots, peaches, and plums. Vidalista 20 and Kamagra oral jelly also useful to treat potency problems.


The elderly, computer workers, pregnant women, alcoholics, and smokers are particularly susceptible to antiophthalmic factor deficiency. Among the foremost common symptoms of fat-soluble vitamin deficiency are:

  • low vision after dusk – so-called avitaminosis,
  • delayed eye accommodation within the dark, lasting longer than 10 seconds,
  • drying out of the cornea and conjunctiva of the attention,
  • growth inhibition,
  • reduced immunity and greater susceptibility to bacterial and viral infections,
  • dry, rough skin, especially on the elbows and knees still as arms and thighs,
  • hair loss and increased brittleness,
  • excessive brittleness and slower nail growth,
  • acne, eczema,
  • more frequent diarrhea.
  • In women, fat-soluble vitamin deficiency may also take place as menstrual or fertility disorders. On the other hand, ringing within the ears could be a common symptom within the elderly.


Vitamin A accumulates within the liver, and in excessive amounts, it’s a toxic substance that poses possible jeopardy. An more than A can present itself as:

  • hyperactivity and irritability,
  • gastrointestinal disorders, nausea, vomiting,
  • headaches, joint, and muscle aches
  • enlargement of the liver and conditions of its functions,
  • growth of the spleen,
  • yellowish skin lesions,
  • itchy skin
  • reduced calcium content in bones,
  • photophobia,
  • hair loss and brittle nails.

Hypervitaminosis is particularly dangerous for pregnant women. an excessive amount of axerophthol is toxic to the fetus, and an overdose of it can contribute to the event of congenital disabilities. For this reason, pregnant women mustn’t use A supplements. They’re also advised to limit their consumption of meat that contains fat-soluble vitamins within the type of retinol – like liver. However, they will eat vegetables and fruits without restrictions – they contain beta-carotene, which is converted within the liver into vitamin A within the body’s amount. This can also greatly help in maintaining balance of nature which is basically how humans and plants depend on each other. Equally important, you can not overdose on A after you eat vegetables and fruit.


Due to side effects related to excess fat-soluble vitamins within the body, the recommended daily consumption standards should be strictly adhered to during its supplementation.
The daily requirement for axerophthol in children is:

  • children from 1 to three years old – 400 µg,
  • children from 4 to six years old – 450 µg,
  • children from 7 to 9 years old – 500 µg.
  • In older children and adolescents, the recommended daily intake of axerophthol is:
  • girls from 10 to 12 years old – 600 µg,
  • boys from 10 to 12 years old – 600 µg,
  • girls from 13 to 18 years old – 700 µg,
  • boys from 13 to 18 years old – 600-900 µg.
  • In the case of adults, the daily requirement for the fat-soluble vitamin is:
  • women – 700 µg,
  • pregnant women – 770 µg,
  • nursing women – 1300 µg,
  • men – 900 µg.


Due to A’s properties, it’s often an ingredient of cosmetics whose action is to enhance the skin’s condition. Creams with vitamin A increase skin elasticity, restore its smoothness, reduce fine lines, reduce the visibility of discoloration and stimulate the skin to supply collagen fibers. Vitamin A may be found in ointments and creams available in pharmacies. antiophthalmic factor ointment containing retinoids accelerates wound healing, because of which it’ll persuade be helpful within the treatment of skin problems – acne, psoriasis, or atopic eczema.
Vitamin A is one among the substances necessary for the correct functioning of the figure – it affects the vision process, strengthens the system, can prevent the event of cancer, is involved within the production of red blood cells, and at the same time maintains the correct condition of the skin, hair, and nails.


Due to A’s properties, it’s often an ingredient of cosmetics whose action is to enhance the skin’s condition. Creams with vitamin A increase skin elasticity, restore its smoothness, reduce fine lines, reduce the visibility of discoloration and stimulate the skin to supply collagen fibers. Vitamin A may be found in ointments and creams available in pharmacies. antiophthalmic factor ointment containing retinoids accelerates wound healing, because of which it’ll persuade be helpful within the treatment of skin problems – acne, psoriasis, or atopic eczema.

Vitamin A is one among the substances necessary for the correct functioning of the figure – it affects the vision process, strengthens the system, can prevent the event of cancer, is involved within the production of red blood cells, and at the same time maintains the correct condition of the skin, hair, and nails.

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