Top 10 Tips to Scale your Small Business at Speed

If you own a business you must look for ways to grow it if you want to achieve your goals. For making more from your business you have to boost your consumer base and to handle their needs you have to increase manpower and production. Performing all these kind of stuff will require more money and resources.

Every business owner wants to grow their business but not everyone has enough money and resources to invest in growing their business. If you are one of them you may feel hopeless. Don’t worry my friend you can boost your business by applying a few great scaling strategies without including massive costs.

Before you look for the top tips to scale your business you must know what is scaling actually stands for and how growth and scaling are completely different from each other?


Growth is simply a measure of bigger volume. In a business sense growing a business simply means to add infrastructure and resources to handle the increased demand. Now it is easy to purchase superior things from the internet and repack and consolidate multiple items or gadgets etc. and have them shipped to wherever you live, thus providing your company with speedy growth. With growth, you gain more customers and clients and increase manpower and infrastructure to service those clients and customers.


Scaling is a process in which a business generates more revenue while keeping the operating costs minimal. With scaling, you also gain customers but you don’t need to invest more in increasing infrastructure or manpower to serve your customers and to handle the increased demand.

Scaling is completely different from the traditional growth practices and it’s time to have a look at the top 10 tips to scale a business at speed this year.

1. First of all, find out if your business is scalable or not

Almost 90 percent of small businesses are family businesses which are basically small by design, very successful and satisfying at the same time.

If your scaling process costs you a lot then it will be a better idea to stay lean. Make a great effort to analyze your business and its scaling capabilities before investing your resources.

2. Keep the things simple

Keep the things simple, simple is awesome. Remove the elements from your business which are over complicated. Keeping the things simple will increase engagement with your customers resulting in establishing better relationships.

Complexity can kill the productivity of your employees, decrease the growth rate of your business and can annoy your clients/customers at the same time.

3. Make effort to gain more customers/promote your business

No matter whatever you offer to your customers you must look for the ways to increase your reach and customer base. The strategies of gaining customers for an online and offline business may differ.

  • Online Business – You must make effort to grab more attention online. You have to increase your audience base and by applying killer conversion techniques you must convince them to try your products/services. Focus on building your email list to expand your reach and utilize various social media platforms wisely to promote your business online.
  • Offline Business – Not everybody owns a smartphone or other devices and your cant collaborate with them through email or social media. You have to promote your business to gain customers and you can do that offline too.

Go with newspaper ads, media giveaways, endorsements, networking, workshops, etc to promote your service/product offline. Performing all these practices will help you in gaining more customers resulting in the fast scaling of your small business.

4. Stand out from the competition, be different

Social media and other online platforms are flooded with offers and advertisements. The traditional way of your product’s promotion may annoy your audience.

You have to work really hard to make your business/product/service stand out from the competition.

5. Content is king

Never compromise with the quality of your content/product/service. You can’t achieve your sale goals with the below the standards or poor quality product.

The quality of your product can affect the purchasing decision of your customer. You must always look for the ways to gain the trust of your customer and your product’s quality plays an important role in gaining and losing the trust of your potential customer.
How product qualities can affect your brand and the answers are listed below.

  • Build trust among customers
  • Increases social media recommendations and enhance word of mouth
  • Generate higher ROI
  • Good quality means fewer returns and fewer customer complaints

6. Work more on customer satisfaction

“Your best salesman is your customer”, this may sound weird but it’s a truth. When your customer gets satisfied with your product/service they recommend it to their friends and family members too resulting in more sales and profit.

While acquiring new customers you must also focus on delighting your existing customers. The perception of your customers can break or make your business. If you will provide a quality product, services, and experiences to your customers they will promote your business at a very personal level and that will be really game-changing.

7. Ask for help

No asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness, clearly not. Most businessmen didn’t become successful leaders or entrepreneurs because they were busy at bossing their employees and other people around them.

Be a leader, inspire people around you to work with all of their effort for your company and treat them like a team member not as an employee. Give them a vision, not deadlines all the time.

No matter how successful you are the truth is that you don’t have all the skills and knowledge to leverage your business. Ask for help and you will be amazed that how many people will come together and stand for your vision.

8. Work on these key areas

Some of the things you need to work on and keep it under control for achieving the best results while scaling your business. What are those key areas?

  • Spending – This is one of the key areas where you can’t go overboard. You must work on keeping your invest minimal while scaling your business. It will clearly not be a great idea to spend most of your savings or fund raised by the investors.
  • Hiring – Scaling becomes successful only when you stay lean during the whole process. You must not hire too many people. Many of the tasks can be performed by machines and can reduce the necessity of manpower.
  • Building – Once you achieve your goals and see decent growth in business you may think to add more products, infrastructure or related products asap to increase profit. Hold on, make sure you are doing great with your one product or it can be better before launching other related stuff.

9. Spend money smartly on marketing

You can save money on scaling your small business only when you will invest smartly. It will not be a great idea to bankrupt yourself for performing a scaling process.

Promotion is no doubt necessary but there are also many budget-friendly and cheaper ways available to promote your product/service.

10. Analyze your customer behavior

Analyzing your customer’s need and interest will help you a lot in creating effective scaling strategies for your small business. There are many tools available online which will help you in knowing your customer’s behavior.
Doing this can make your scaling process cost-effective and fruitful at the same time.

Bottom Line

Scaling is an innovative way to grow a business using the latest technology and tools to reduce the investment as well as get more from it.
No matter if you own a startup or a satisfied small business you must look for the ways to scale it. Scaling your small business will bring more customers and revenue without spending too much resource.

About Safikul

Safikul Islam is a professional Software Engineer with vast experience in research and development field. Presently, He Works for Bizmaa. He also has a strong passion for writing creative blogs and articles about business, fashion, new technology,Jewelry and following the latest trends in these areas.

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