SMS Marketing Best Practices for Your Business

Although mobile marketing has become a common strategy used by many modern businesses, it is still a fairly new phenomenon in the ever-evolving digital world. Although SMS has now been around for several years, marketers have only begun to take it seriously as a marketing platform quite recently. Most mobile users will utilize SMS on a daily basis and trust it as a communication form, which is why SMS marketing is often very successful, with a massive open rate of 97%. If you’re considering using SMS for marketing, here are some important factors to keep in mind. 

Get a Suitable Business Number

Ideally, the main goal of using SMS to grow your business is to encourage your recipients to get in touch after receiving a message. One of the best ways to improve the likelihood of this happening is to get a dedicated, easy to remember, toll-free business number. Kall8 business texting allows you to sign up for a toll-free, professional 800 number that you can use for marketing campaigns and track the results of your campaign online. 

Prioritize Privacy and Consent

SMS marketing can go very wrong if customers feel like they are being spammed with messages that they don’t want to receive. Because of this, it’s important to make sure that customer privacy and consent are at the top of your priority list when putting together your campaign. Ensure that recipients have the option to easily opt out of receiving any further SMS from your business if they are not interested or opt in for more if they are.


If you have ever received a generic advertisement letter in the mail or your email inbox, you probably know how uninteresting it can be. Today’s customers don’t want to receive marketing materials that are generic and could be applied to just about anybody – or worse, entirely irrelevant to them. Before starting out with an SMS marketing campaign, it is crucial to ensure that you have conducted a lot of research on your audience, figured out what they are interested in, what kind of messages they want to receive, and what they can relate to the most. Segmenting your customer data is one of the best ways to ensure that each recipient gets a message that is personalized to them. 

Time It Right

Finally, getting the timing right can make all the difference when it comes to conducting a successful SMS marketing campaign. Sporadic messages, or messages that are sent at unsuitable times, will often not enjoy as high an open rate and may be more likely to prompt recipients to unsubscribe. Consider who your audience is and when individuals are going to be most likely to be willing to open and read SMS marketing messages. For example, if you know that your target audience are 9-5 workers, sending messages outside of normal business hours is likely to yield better results compared to messages sent in the middle of the working day. 

SMS is something that most people today use, and it is becoming a popular marketing channel for businesses in all industries. However, before starting an SMS marketing campaign, it’s important to keep the best practices in mind. 

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