No doubt you’re always doing your best to look after your staff. If you and your colleagues can support one another, you can all create a safer and happier work environment.
Still, nobody is above the occasional bout of bad luck; unfortunately, accidents can sometimes occur. If you’re in a position where an employee has been injured in their line of work, you must do all you can for them.
So, how can you be sure that you’re of use in these situations? What are the best ways to come through for an injured worker? Find out after the jump.
Utilize Insurance Coverage
Workers’ compensation insurance is mandatory in some states and optional in others. Regardless of state laws, it’s strongly recommended that you have these measures in place. In a non-fatal workplace injury context, the insurance can cover a replacement of lost wages, temporary or permanent disability benefits, and medical treatment and care costs. It puts less strain on all parties and creates an environment where recovery processes can occur without other anxieties and distractions taking root.
You can find great coverage for workplace injuries with The Hartford. It covers all bases, and they have resources to help you estimate costs and find the ideal quote for your needs. Considering that insurance companies take your industry, claims history, payroll information, and the injured employee’s type of work into account, every situation is different, so it’s worth learning as much as possible.
Stay in Touch
Communication is important during a crisis. It can bring a lot of relief to your workers to let them know that they’re in your thoughts. You can visit the recovering employee at their home or in the hospital. While you shouldn’t flood their phone with lots of text messages, you could stay in touch remotely if that’s their preferred method of communication. You can assure them their job is safe and waiting for them when they’re ready, and that workplace hazards have been addressed. Reassure them the best that you can.
Remember, more workers today are trying to be friendly with their bosses rather than keep them at arm’s length. While professional relationships sometimes have different rules to personal ones, if there were ever a time for some crossover, it would be when the employee is going through a testing period.
Create Better Working Conditions
There may come a time when you wish to integrate the injured staff member back into the workplace. It may be better to ease them in during that time rather than insist on a full return to normalcy. If possible, making remote working opportunities more available could be beneficial. That way, the recovering employee may not have to undergo any taxing commutes. You could also provide more flexibility with their hours, ensuring they don’t push themselves too hard. These situations can vary on a case-by-case basis, so try to consult the employee and find common ground. Prepare to compromise, too.
It’s also worth noting that positive workplace cultures can greatly impact an employee’s mindset for the better. No doubt they’d miss their colleagues and thrive in a supportive atmosphere when ready. Instruct your colleagues to be accommodating as well, and you can all work together to kindly welcome the recovering worker back into the business.