Enhancv: Best Resume Builder to Give Your Career a Power Boost

In today’s world, it has become extremely important to make a difference in order to be noticed in the crowd, especially when applying for a job. It is only when you know that a company hires the bests among the bests, you know the value of building a stellar resume that will get you noticed everywhere. A resume is the first impression that one brings with them and needless to mention, the corporate gets their hands on it before they actually see you.

To make a stand-out resume is important for your corporate impression. And this is the point when you are probably thinking about how you can make your resume impressive for a potential employer. Here, Saasworthy has one solution that can deal with all your questions. If you haven’t tried Enhancv, now is the high time for you to consider this advanced resume maker, which is fast and free for your first impression.

With the help of Enhancv, you can now build a smart resume in the shortest time. Here is how:

Cover the basic:

If you are trying to make a resume, you will first need to understand where it is going. Always remember that you are not the only person applying for the post. Plus you still don’t know what the employer must be looking for until you catch his attention with your smart presentation. To start with, here is what you should consider-

  • Type of job you are applying for
  • The role you are supposed to be offered
  • How you fulfill the requirements

Now, once you have the idea of what you are going to mention and why the breakdown of your resume will become easier for you.


Your name:

It is a very basic point that you must start your resume with. Your name will describe you from the rest and without it, you are likely to struggle for your own identity. Moreover, you should also add who you are below your name. This will give you better identification.

Contact details:

Your active contact details should always go below your name so that the recruiter doesn’t struggle to contact you if you are shortlisted. However, your active details should not contain any of your inactive information such as old house address or phone number. It should comprise of your email professional email address, phone number, any website or LinkedIn account, residential address and an alternate phone number.


It is one of the very important parts of your resume. Even if you don’t have any past experience, you should always include a personal summary telling the recruiter why you are applying for this job or why it fits your qualification and passion. It should be written in the shortest possible word count since a recruiter won’t have time to read a story. You can also pick one from the Personal Philosophy Section and Most Proud Of section.

Your skills:

It is another important sub-heading on your resume, which tells the recruiter what you are capable of. It helps the recruiter to decide whether you are capable of the role and how smartly you can tackle it. This section will include both your professional skills like your past work experience and personal skills with respect to your Office Suite, etc.

Your experience:

Your previous experience tells a lot about your capabilities and enhances your chances of getting selected. Always mention your work experience if it is in a relevant field. Moreover, experience does not comprise of only you working knowledge in a company but if you have appeared as a promotional agent, volunteered anywhere, worked as a travel guide or have certificates of any extra-curriculum activities in school, these will also fall under the same section.


There are two types of references you can mention – character reference and professional reference. A character reference is used when you are a fresher while a professional reference could be someone you have worked with previously.

Additional section:

While some may think that this section can be skipped, let us inform you that it can actually play a vital role in your short-listing. This section includes your leisure activities, likes and dislikes, certificates allotted, passion and aim in life. In fact, the recruiter has a keen interest in this section simply because it helps them to know you as an individual. However, you should always be very honest about what you mention in this category and should not mention things that you don’t have detailed knowledge in, which is likely to create long-time trouble for you.


Sticking a passport size photo is what gives your resume a finishing touch. Make sure it is one of the professional clicks and not some random image from your gallery.

Moreover, Enhancv is a smart resume builder that will let you organize all these points in detail and also presents resume templates.

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