Checking The Genuineness Of An NGO

Checking the authenticity of an NGO, and especially in a country like India can be a daunting task. If you are someone who wishes to donate to a program like “sponsor a child” or donating for “cataract surgery “for those who cannot afford, this article is for you.

Let’s assume, you wish to sponsor a child in India via an NGO, but how do you know that the NGO can be trusted with your money? Here are a few tips to determine whether the NGO you selected to donate is genuine or not.

Checking the History

Every NGO must have a good record of its achievements. Be it their case studies or awards; you should always check if the NGO you selected has a clean and good previous record. Also, check for the articles published where the organization is mentioned and determine whether it’s being linked up to something good.

Online Presence/website

Having a website is not enough to trust an organization, but you must check the overall online presence. For instance, the social media pages of the organization, where you can see the regular updates happening in the organization. Not to mention, pictures of programs organized by the NGO.

Check for complaints

The most crucial part while determining the genuineness of an NGO is checking for complaints online. Simply type (Name of the NGO + Complaints) on any search engine like Google, Yahoo or Bing, and you will able to see how many complaints are registered against that NGO.

Visiting the NGO

You simply can not trust an NGO by just having a look at its online presence, you should be able to visit the site where the NGO is located. Meet the team and see how they work after you donate the desired amount to them.


After donating, you should be able to see where your money is being utilized. For instance, if you wish to sponsor a child in India, you should be able to visit the child you sponsor and receive regular reports.


Make sure the NGO is legally registered and certified by the concerned authorities. The NGO you are donating to must have all the legal documents present.


Always check for the feedback/testimonials for the NGO’s on its official website or social pages. For instance, if you donated for cataract surgery for a patient, make sure there are testimonials from the patients on the social media pages or the website.

So, these were some of the tips that could help you differentiate between the Non-Profit Organizations regarding genuineness or authenticity. One of the best NGO’s that has all the traits mentioned above is LokKalyanSamiti. If you are someone who doesn’t want to go through all the hustle of checking the genuineness and simply want to donate for a good cause, you can blindly trust LokKalyanSamiti with your money. They offer programs such as Sponsor a Child, Donating for Cataract Surgery and more.

About Safikul

Safikul Islam is a professional Software Engineer with vast experience in research and development field. Presently, He Works for Bizmaa. He also has a strong passion for writing creative blogs and articles about business, fashion, new technology,Jewelry and following the latest trends in these areas.

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