6 Remedies to Help your Seasonal Allergies

No matter what kind of allergy you suffer from, there will be one or two. Allergies can make it difficult for a person to live and enjoy a normal life.

You badly want to own a cat but you are pet allergic. You love spring but you can’t stay outside because you are allergic to pollen. Peanut is your comfort but it’s surely not for you because you have a food allergy.

What Makes Allergies Problematic

No matter what your allergy story is, it can make your life difficult. One of the common allergies people suffer from is a seasonal allergy. Seasonal allergies are the ones that occur during a particular time of the year. Seasonal variation can result in spores or release in air and many people can be allergic to these.

Allergies are the normal immune response of your body that can show symptoms similar to that of a common cold. However, depending upon the severity, these allergies can result in severe throat infections. Throughout my childhood, I had suffered from respiratory allergy and spent most of my childhood visiting the best ENT doctors in Rawalpindi.

Tips to Deal with Seasonal Allergies

My experience enabled me to understand the easy ways to manage allergies on my own. Here are the ways that are quite helpful towards allergy management.

1- Identify your allergy triggers

The first step towards allergy management is the identification of your triggers. Allergy triggers are many and can be different for people. If you want to manage your allergies, first you need to identify your triggers. This helps you to avoid exposure to the triggers that might be causing you allergies. You need to keep an eye on your symptoms to know what’s triggering your allergy.

2- Avoid your allergy triggers

Identification of triggers is important so that you can manage your allergies by avoiding these allergens. As discussed before, these allergy triggers can vary from person to person. Once you know these, it becomes easy to avoid. Most of the seasonal allergy triggers are present outdoors. So, limiting your outdoor visits during peak season can help to prevent your seasonal allergies.

3- Keep your nose clean

While suffering from allergies, having a clear nasal pathway is quite helpful with allergy management. If you want to keep your nose clear, then you can use a saltwater rinse. Another way to keep your nasal pathway clear is the use of nasal sprays. You can easily find many types of nasal sprays in pharmacy drug stores.

4- Try an over-the-counter treatment

A part of allergy treatment comes from the use of over-the-counter (OTC) treatment options. Depending upon your allergy symptoms or by asking your physician you can get an OTC treatment. Some popular OTC treatments that could help to make allergies manageable include nasal sprays, oral medications, and decongestants. All of these are quite effective in relieving the symptoms of allergy.

5- Eye lubricating drops can be a great help

Allergens can take different routes to enter your body. Other than that there are allergies that could arise from the dry mucosal membranes of the eyes. To help with this kind of allergy, it is advisable to use eye drops. There are a variety of eye drops that can help you to get rid of dry and itchy eyes. These eye drops can be used. Eye drops keep your eyes lubricated resulting in the prevention of allergies due to dried eyes.

6- Use honey

Next in the list of home remedies for seasonal allergies is the use of raw honey. Honey is known to have several health benefits and is used as a remedy to deal with many potential problems. You can consume honey in warm water and consume it on an empty stomach. You can also add honey to your tea and manage your allergies well.

Bottom Line!

Seasonal allergies are pretty common and can occur on and off. There are many ways to make your seasonal allergies manageable. Just like any other disease, be mindful that prevention comes before treatment. While looking for ways to tear your allergies, make sure you follow these home remedies first. However, if none of these seems to work for you then it’s better to reach out to a relevant physician for the right treatment approach.

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