Marketing is incredibly important no matter what type of business you’re running. Although sales and marketing aren’t the same thing, there’s no doubt that they’re intertwined. A pretty big part of them both is lead generation, which can be accomplished in all sorts of ways.
Something interesting to note is that because of this, many businesses take different approaches to it. If you’d like to learn a bit more about how it works, as well as what methods could suit your business, then you’ve come to the right place! Today, this is what we’ll be discussing. Although we’ll be largely focusing on conversion funnels, there’s plenty to learn no matter what the main focus is on!
One: Lead Generation Costs, but Not as Much as You Might Think
One of the biggest sources of frustration and contention for most marketing teams is the fact that lead generation is pretty much necessary for most endeavors, but it can get expensive quickly. As you can read about here,,there are a lot of ways to approach the subject. All of them will cost some cash, though.
With that said, it is largely a misconception that no matter what, you’ll be paying close to two hundred dollars for each lead. In reality, it will largely depend on the size of your business, what your customer base looks like right now, amongst a few other factors. So, while it definitely is going to be an expense that you’ll have to factor in for your expense reports, it’s not necessarily going to be something that will destroy your pocketbook.
Two: E-Mail Marketing is Popular for a Reason
Before we go too much further, we’d like to acknowledge that much of what we’ll be discussing fits into the marketing funnel strategy. With that said, though, we’re going to take a deeper look at a few of the potential options to have in the funnel. Our first stop along the way is here – email marketing.
When you think of the most prevalent ways that you are advertised to, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? At the very least, e-mails probably land pretty high on that list, if not the very top. Studies like this one demonstrate our point, if you’re curious about it in a practical sense. Either way, though, it’s worth investigating this sort of lead gen.
Three: Make a Landing Page
As far as designing effective websites goes, one of the most critical aspects of it is to have an effective and engaging landing page. Since this is your first impression for visitors, it’s something that you should be willing to invest time and money into. As far as marketing funnels go, it’s considered to be one of the first stops along the way.
There are a few goals that a person might have in regard to landing pages in particular. Mostly, though, the idea should be to draw your potential customers in. The idea is to establish a click-to-conversion “funnel.” A conversion is simply when a visitor to your site performs the action that you want them to.
Some examples of that might be to sign up for a newsletter, to sign up for email updates, to make a purchase, or anything in between. Naturally, it will really depend on what your aims are as a business. If you’re a blogger, for example, you’ll probably want people to follow your content. If you’re an e-commerce retailer, though, a purchase would be the “best case” scenario.
Our advice is to cater it towards your own needs to the best of your ability. Whether you’re doing it on your own or have a team to help you, make sure that everyone is on the same page. Figure out what the overarching goals are and set out from there.
Four: Utilize Clickfunnels
Funnel marketing is really nothing new. It’s been around for ages in all types of incarnations. These days, the main method seems to be Clickfunnels, which are a specialized type of marketing that utilizes the digital space for improved lead generation. Allow us to explain.
As with all funnels, the structure is essentially the same. At the top, we’ve got the goal of raising overall awareness for the brand. That could be through advertising campaigns or even

just using social media accounts – it will really be up to you. From there, you’ll want to encourage interest amongst potential customers.
As prospective customers travel down the funnel, you can get the gist of why it’s set up this way. Optimally, they will progress in a fairly linear fashion. The end result is that they will (hopefully) make a purchase or do the desired action.
Something that you’ll want to remember along the way is that when you’re considering lead generation and funnels, part of it will be to examine what the customer experience is as they traverse through. This will help you to improve it.
Five: Adapt and Improve
No matter what your marketing and sales strategies are, one of the most important things to take to heart is that you can always improve them. In this case, you can take the phrase “if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it” and throw it out. We can always enhance the process for customers to make it more streamlined as well as more enjoyable.
The question here, though, is how we can achieve this sort of thing. That’s where marketing teams come in, of course – they can offer some valuable insights here. Beyond that, though, you could also survey some of your customers and ask if there are any pain points for them throughout the process of making a purchase.
Use this sort of data to enhance your website and your lead generation process. Don’t get complacent. While it might be somewhat challenging, it’s certainly something that will be worthwhile. Remember, though – you don’t have to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars for your lead generation! It can be much more reasonable.